Youth Diversion
The PPSC Youth Diversion program, in collaboration with the Petaluma Police Department, disrupts the school to prison pipeline by providing an alternative to incarceration for southern Sonoma County youth who are first-time or low-level offenders and are referred by the local police department. PPSC provides a specialized program, in alignment with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Balanced and Restorative Justice Project practices, rooted in restorative practices, intensive case management, and an individualized plan focused on accountability, restoring relationships, educational support, service to the community, and competency development.
Central to our program is honoring the self-determination of our youth and as evidenced by research that restorative justice processes that recognize and address the unique needs of the juvenile offender are more successful (Rodriguez, 2007), we build trust and allow our youth to bring their voice to the table as we work through and finalize the Individual Restorative Plan (IRP).
Youth work alongside their case manager to meet IRP goals and on a weekly basis, meet with their case manager to provide updates and continue to plan and stay on track with their IRP. Our overall goal is to ensure our young people’s outcomes and life trajectory are not defined by a one time mistake while connecting them to the necessary services that do not simply allow them to survive but truly enable our young people to thrive.