We are so excited to introduce our SAFE (Specialized Assistance for Everyone) program, which launched on July 5, 2021. This program is a collaborative effort based on the CAHOOTS model deployed in Eugene, Oregon, which is the leading model for emergency crisis intervention and prevention.
The goal of the SAFE team is to address crisis response, prevention and intervention for our most vulnerable community members experiencing mental health issues, substance abuse issues and homelessness. This team is made up of civilian first responders, who will respond to and proactively address calls for service that have traditionally (and unnecessarily) burdened law enforcement, emergency medical services and health care providers.
Ways you can support The SAFE Team:
Donate Individually wrapped snacks! The SAFE Team has an amazon wishlist to make donating easier.
Create Nic Kits, Comfort Kits, Hygiene Kits for The Safe Team to hand out to those in need!
If you are in need of the SAFE Team’s services you can reach them in the following ways:
Call 911 – an emergency dispatcher will answer and determine if your situation requires the SAFE team, first responders such as police, fire, or paramedics, or a combination of both.
Non-Emergency Petaluma – 707-781-1234 you will reach a directory where you can choose to speak with a 911 operator or a non-emergency staff member to help.
Non-Emergency Rohnert Park: 707-584-2612
Non-Emergency Cotati/SSU: 707-792-4611
Non-Emergency San Rafael: 415-458-7233
To find out more about the program, please email SAFE@petalumapeople.org