Bridge The Gap

Due to changes in the current administration's funding protocol, this program is temporarily on hold until further notice. Please call PPSC at 707-765-8488 ext 105 if you have any questions.

This program is open to Sonoma County low-income seniors who are struggling to cover a portion of their rent. The rental assistance is available for an entire year. However, we supply much smaller payments in this program than in our other programs and the payments are made directly to the landlord and/or utility company. This can also be used for those living in mobile home parks. Funding for this program comes from the Area Agency on Aging.

Example: A resident who is 60 and older and needs assistance in paying their electricity bill.  

Requirements: To qualify for this program, the applicant must show their rent and/or utility bill that they need support with.   

PPSC Bridge The Gap Application

Solicitud para el Programa Bridge The Gap de PPSC

For more information contact: CARES@petalumapeople.org or call (707)765-8488